Friday, November 20, 2009

Chess tactics server

I finally have something to show on the chess tactics server side. This is the ChessQuads chess server! The problem set is 1700 strong and I am planning on adding some more for next week. Try a couple of them and see if you like it. Dont forget to leave feedback here!

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Chess... Its a different world!

Have any of you thought about why Chess is different? One of the aspects that make chess so unique is the geometry of the chessboard. In the real world if you walk one step forward and one step to the left you are 1.41 steps away from your original location. Not so on a chess board! In chess, if a piece moves forward one square and to the left one square the piece its still 1 square away from the original location! This amazing fact makes possible many chess peculiarities like The following famous problem by Reti and others. Other interesting facts:
  • The Knight will alternate the color of the square its on after every move.
  • The Bishop will never leave the color of the square its on, no matter how many moves.
  • Combining the movement of the Rook and Bishop is equivalent to a Queen, or R+B=Q.
  • Combining the movement of the queen and knight will cover a 5 by 5 section of the board.
  • A piece never attacks the square its currently on.

If you would like to play chess join the Internet chess Club or The Free Internet Chess Club or visit your local chess club.

Monday, November 2, 2009

I think it is appropiate that we start with a game: